The Environment and Planning Act (EPA), which will enter into force in 2021, has been called the most influential legislative reform in the Netherlands since World War II. This article forms the introduction to a special issue devoted to the EPA, in which scholars from various disciplines reflect on the societal and legal ramifications of this new act. The authors introduce the different articles but also offer their perspective on the emergence of this new field of research. Socio-legal research into such a vast new regulatory field benefits from the application of multiple perspectives and different research methods. Conspicuously, the authors of the various articles differ on how to assess the new regulation of Dutch spatial planning. Some are pessimistic, others strike a more optimistic note. In this introduction two more perspectives on the law are offered. The perspective of prefigurative law (Davina Cooper) embodies the more optimistic view, whilst the perspective of outsourced law (Pauline Westerman) sides with the pessimists. |

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Inleiding |
De Omgevingswet: nieuw ruimtelijk recht(?) |
Trefwoorden | Environment and Planning Act, Administrative Law reform, Spatial Planning, Prefigurative Law, Outsourced Law |
Auteurs | Dr. mr. Tobias Arnoldussen en dr. mr. Danielle Chevalier |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Discussie |
De thorbeckiaanse omwenteling in de Omgevingswet |
Trefwoorden | Omgevingswet, Thorbecke, Subsidiariteitsbeginsel, Lokale democratie, Maatwerk |
Auteurs | Prof. mr. Geerten Boogaard |
Auteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Trefwoorden | Burgerparticipatie, Omgevingswet, Rechtsbescherming, Inspraak, maatschappelijk draagvlak, Kerninstrumenten, snellere en betere aanpak |
Auteurs | Mr. dr. Marlon Boeve en Mr. dr. Frank Groothuijse |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Public participation is an important issue in the forthcoming Dutch Environment and Planning Act (2021). The importance of participation is emphasized in numerous places in the parliamentary documents to the Act. This contribution discusses how the new Act gives legal substance to the objectives that the government is pursuing regarding participation and whether the involvement of citizens is indeed better imbedded by this act. It addresses the important subject of the ‘right moment of participation’ in the fragmented Dutch policy and decision system. Consecutively it deals with the question of potential legal consequences for non-compliance by administrative bodies to the legal participation obligations when drawing up plans and decisions. Can a citizen enforce (substantive) participation in the administrative court after the Environmental and Planning Act comes into force? The possibilities are limited. Findings show that the new Environment and Planning Act does not address the essential problems that arise with participation. The successful creation of local support, better quality and faster decision-making through participation all depend on how the (local) government shapes participation. From a legal perspective, the Environment and Planning Act makes little contribution to this. In the view of the authors this is not surprising, because the role of legislation in safeguarding substantive participation should not be overestimated. |
Artikel |
De Omgevingswet: wetgeving als symbool of communicatieve wetgeving? |
Trefwoorden | Symboolwerking van wetgeving, Omgevingswet, Crisis- en herstelwet, Communicatieve wetgeving, Wetgevingsevaluatie |
Auteurs | Dr. Friso Johannes Jansen MSc |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The Crisis and Recovery Act and the Environmental Planning Act are analysed in this article as a form of communicative legislation. This approach to socio-legal analysis draws attention to the need to understand the symbolic effects of legislation as independent drivers of compliance. The modest legal effects of the Crisis and Recovery Act are contrasted with the more sizeable symbolic effects of this legalisation. In addition, the ex-ante evaluation of the Environmental Planning Act shows that the proposed legal changes can only provide a small impetus to the desired culture change, nonetheless there is potential for areas of this law to have symbolic effects as well. These could potentially contribute independently to its success. |
Discussie |
Changing narrative of Dutch urban development regulation in the era of entrepreneurial governance |
Trefwoorden | Entrepreneurial Governance, Urban Governance Networks, Planning Law, Omgevingswet |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Tuna Tasan-Kok |
Auteursinformatie |
Discussie |
Aanvullingswet grondeigendom: continuïteit ondanks de filosofie van de Omgevingswet |
Trefwoorden | Planning, Netherlands, Land Ownership, Planning Law, Takings |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Willem Korthals Altes |
Auteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Gebruiksruimte in de OmgevingswetRelatief onbekend concept essentieel in vinden van balans tussen beschermen en benutten? |
Trefwoorden | Omgevingswet, Gebruiksruimte, Milieugebruiksruimte, Beleidsintegratie, Stelselherziening |
Auteurs | Daan Hollemans MSc |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The development of the Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet) in the Netherlands is an example of an ongoing reform of environmental and planning law that started with big ambitions. This article uses the case of environmental space (gebruiksruimte) to illustrate that it is hard to achieve those ambitions. A bill of the Environment and Planning Act contained regulations to assign environmental space to actors and/or locations. The regulations lacked in subsequent versions of the Environment and Planning Act, especially in the act itself. Despite the fact that on policy level the concept of environmental space can still be used, the lack of a legally binding mechanism for assigning environmental space makes it unlikely that the concept will be used. This hampers realising the ambition to create coherent policies that integrate environmental and spatial planning. It also puts achieving the goal of the law at risk. |
Artikel |
Participatie in circulaire gebiedsontwikkelingOver het creëren van alternatieve ruimtes door professionele stadmakers |
Trefwoorden | Circular City, Sustainable Development, City Makers, Co-creation, The Netherlands |
Auteurs | Linda van de Kamp PhD, Michaela Hordijk PhD, John Grin PhD e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
We analyze two citizen collectives of ‘professional city makers’ who have shaped participation in circular area development in anticipation of the Dutch Environment and Planning Act. The activities of professional city-makers form an interesting new phenomenon that requires attention as well as the implications: it is precisely through the professionalism of the city-makers’ efforts that there is a regular tension in the participation process between their role as citizen and professional in their contact with the government. We therefore discuss how the participation of professional city-makers in area development exposes different paradoxes that must be taken into account in the further implementation of the Environment and Planning Act. In short, we argue that participation in the Act is presented in a traditional way and does not fit the new role of citizens in area development in the 21st century. |