Recht der Werkelijkheid


Gebruiksruimte in de Omgevingswet

Relatief onbekend concept essentieel in vinden van balans tussen beschermen en benutten?

Trefwoorden Omgevingswet, Gebruiksruimte, Milieugebruiksruimte, Beleidsintegratie, Stelselherziening
Auteurs Daan Hollemans MSc

Daan Hollemans MSc
Daan Hollemans is promovendus bij de vakgroep Management, Science and Technology van de Open Universiteit en adviseur bij Antea Group.
  • Samenvatting

      The development of the Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet) in the Netherlands is an example of an ongoing reform of environmental and planning law that started with big ambitions. This article uses the case of environmental space (gebruiksruimte) to illustrate that it is hard to achieve those ambitions. A bill of the Environment and Planning Act contained regulations to assign environmental space to actors and/or locations. The regulations lacked in subsequent versions of the Environment and Planning Act, especially in the act itself. Despite the fact that on policy level the concept of environmental space can still be used, the lack of a legally binding mechanism for assigning environmental space makes it unlikely that the concept will be used. This hampers realising the ambition to create coherent policies that integrate environmental and spatial planning. It also puts achieving the goal of the law at risk.

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