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In light of #MeToo: The boundaries of criminal law for unwanted sexual behaviour in the (criminal) justice system

Trefwoorden #MeToo, sexual harassment, boundaries of criminal law, sex crimes, rape myths
Auteurs M.F. (Monique) Hendriks-Lundh LLM

M.F. (Monique) Hendriks-Lundh LLM
Monique Hendriks-Lundh is a PhD candidate at Maastricht University, Strafrecht & Criminologie. Her supervisors are prof. dr. mr. A. (André) Klip en prof. dr. mr. S. (Suzan) van der Aa.
  • Samenvatting

      The research seeks to answer the question: ‘What are the boundaries for unwanted sexual behaviour within the (criminal) law; does the character and intensity of the (work) relation between victim and perpetrator affect the extent of criminal liability, procedural rights, and the scope of the blameworthiness of the offence, and if so, how?’ The research takes, as a starting point, #MeToo, and the societal and legislative amendments that followed; scrutinising whether ‘enough’ has been done, or whether gaps remain in the legislature.

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