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Boom Strafblad


The unresolved tension between the approximation of criminal norms in the EU and the question of national discretion

What is the role of minimum rules in EU criminal law?

Trefwoorden Europees strafrecht, harmonisatiemaatregelen, minimumregels, artikel 82 en 83 VWEU, straf(proces)recht
Auteurs K. (Konstantinos) Zoumpoulakis LLM, MSc

K. (Konstantinos) Zoumpoulakis LLM, MSc
Konstantinos Zoumpoulakis is PhD Candidate at Leiden Law School, Institute of Criminal Law & Criminology. The hereby presented doctoral research is carried out under the supervision of Professor Jannemieke ­Ouwerkerk and Judit Altena.
  • Samenvatting

      The competence of the EU to legislate on criminal matters has shifted the traditional paradigm of domestic criminal law. This paper discusses the developments around the use of minimum rules for the approximation of substantive and procedural criminal norms in the EU. Starting from the need to clarify the concept of minimum rules, the focus lies on the question of national discretion, namely the question whether and to what extent Member States should be able to go beyond the minimum EU standards and implement more far-reaching provisions in their respective jurisdictions.

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